ServoSETS Are Live As of June 18th

Those “in the know” think ServoSETS packaged servo systems are the way to go! At the beginning of June we announced that 100 and 200 Watt ServoSETS packaged servo systems are available for immediate shipment from stock. On June 18 they went live on our website. Look for the banner ad on our home page and the new link under the Products menu.

ServoSETS packaged servo systems have already started shipping. The proud owner of the first system shipped is a researcher from one of the most prestigious universities in the U.S. doing a study on state-of-the-art manufacturing solutions. He chose a ServoSET packaged servo system because it was quick and easy to order, competitively priced, and exactly what he needed for his research project. He was up and running immediately, and then used this application note to refine the drive configuration for his final requirements.


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