F-206.S HexAlign™ 6 Axis-Hexapod Parallel-Kinematics Precision Alignment System / Manipulator, with Controller

  • Parallel Kinematics with 6 Degrees of Freedom
  • 0.033 µm Actuator Resolution
  • Repeatability 0.3 µm in Space
  • No Moving Cables for Improved Reliability, Reduced Friction
  • Better Dynamics, More Compact than Serial Kinematics Systems
  • For Scanning and Alignment
  • Cartesian Coordinate Control with Virtualized Pivot Point
  • Powerful Digital Controller with Open Source LabView™ Drivers, DLL Libraries...
  • Integrated Fiber Alignment Routines
The F-206.S HexAlign™ Hexapod is a highly accurate micropositioning system for complex multi-axis alignment tasks. It is based on PI"s long experience with ultra-high-resolution, parallel kinematics stages. Unlike hexapods with variable-length struts ("legs") the F-206 features constant-length struts and friction-free flexure guides. This gives the F-206 even higher precision than other hexapod designs.

The F-206.S Hexapod is considerably smaller and more accurate than comparable serial kinematics six-axis systems (stacks of single-axis units).

The parallel kinematics of the F-206 is immune to the cumulative bending and guiding errors of the various axes which, together with the inertia and friction of the moving cables, can limit accuracy in stacked systems. In addition, rotations are not set in hardware, but about a pivot point freely definable in software. A high-performance controller does all necessary coordinate transformation for coordinating the six drives. Because all the actuators are attached directly to the same moving platform, there are none of the servo-tuning problems associated with the loading and inertia differences of the different axes, as are inherent in stacked systems.


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