New Licensing System for ProSim Software

ProSim undertook a complete renewal of its licensing system to provide customers with additional transparency and flexibility in the management and day to day utilization of their software licenses. This new system, called "ProSim License Manager", is now integrated in most ProSim software.

New licensing options
This new system allows ProSim to introduce additional licensing options. Local licenses (license that can only be used on a specific computer) and Network licenses (licenses that can be accessed by one or several users through a LAN or WAN network) obviously remain available and the ability to borrow temporarily a network license is now added. From a network license, the borrowing function creates a license that allows the software to be used during a pre-determined period on a specific computer which is not connected to the server. This option is particularly useful for customers who need to utilize the software outside their own office environment (visiting clients, business travel or off-site projects), when the license server is not directly accessible. In academic context, this feature is also very valuable as it allows students to use the software on their own computer.

Complete information on the licenses
The ProSim License Manager interface provides both the end-users and the license administrator with a convenient and easy to understand environment to have a clear picture of their license configuration, options and utilization.

The information provided by ProSim License Manager ranges from the list of licenses installed on a computer to the ID of the computer for which a license was borrowed. It also includes the creation and expiration dates of each license as well as the date at which it was last accessed. When needed a report that gathers all information on the licenses installed on a computer can be generated in text or HTML files.

Administrators also have a monitor to estimate the utilization of ProSim software throughout the company at the time of the request. All calls to the license server (request, taking, release, denial…), made by end-users are recorded in a log file which can also be consulted at any time.

Simplified procedures
Most procedures are greatly simplified and now require minimal action from the user. In particular, the request for the definitive license (that corresponds to the terms of the licensing agreement) is reduced to a simple form that is sent automatically to ProSim. It is to be noted that the information that is recorded during this procedure enable the user and ProSim to track down the contractual information associated to the license and helps avoiding confusion created by personnel turnover or department restructuration.

In local configuration, the installation of the license is driven by a specific wizard and the user has almost nothing to do. In network configuration, the administrator can easily configure end-users computers through a convenient interface. He can install different ProSim software licenses on different servers to manage the software utilization according to both his server architecture and users organization. These operations are all executed in standard Windows interfaces and do not require any programming skills.

The ProSim License Manager technology also allowed a major simplification of the license transfer function which is used when the license needs to be move temporarily (e.g.: backup before reformatting of the hard drive or changing operating system) or permanently (end-user change). This operation is now as simple as moving a file through the network and does not take much more time.

Compliance ensured
Most ProSim software, in particular ProSimPlus and Simulis Thermodynamics, now integrate this new license system. Customers who are currently using previous licensing systems will be requested to switch to ProSim License Manager when they install updates of the software. During this operation, a procedure for converting the licenses is launched automatically. This procedure has no impact on the simulation and calculation files created by the user. These files are fully compliant with the new license system.

It is reminded that updates of ProSim software as well as detailed information on ProSim License Manager can be downloaded from the ProSim Support secured website (

It is to be noted that ProSim License Manager is compliant with all Windows based systems (from Windows 2000), including 64 bits systems.


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