NTPC India Uses Small Sample Viscometer to Monitor Lube Oils

NTPC, India’s largest thermal power generation company, has purchased a Cambridge Viscosity small sample viscometer, VISCOlab 4000, monitor lubrication oils. NTPC uses large quantities of a variety of oils—lube, fuel, diesel, transformer and gear oil— to operate machinery in their plant.  The company will use the laboratory viscometer to verify the quality of inward petroleum material.

According to Cambridge’s India Agent Subhash Thorat of Provisco Tech Private Limited, NTPC selected the small sample viscometer primarily due to its proven, world-class technology, ease of operation and easy-to-clean, low maintenance construction. “We always welcome better technologies that are accurate, reliable and save testing time,” says NPTC Deputy Manager - Chemistry Mr. N. K. Roy.

By monitoring the viscosity of the various oils, the company can better control quality, replacing degraded oil and scheduling maintenance when required. Senior Chemical Manager Mr. G.B. P. Shrivastava says, “After seeing the viscometer in action, it seems to be user friendly. It is particularly well constructed, with no moving parts to wear out easily.”


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