QM26 and QMH26 Series Stainless Steel Sensors for Washdown and Chemical Compatibility

Banner is introducing the QM26 and QMH26, a 316 stainless steel product, designed to serve the food and pharmaceutical industry where plastic sensors are not acceptable. Food and Drug safety concerns have introduced a market need for a more cleanable product that can stand up to hot high pressure and chemical wash down.
Exposed threads and crevices that are difficult to clean and sanitize on food and pharmaceutical production equipment are closely scrutinized by field inspectors. Both models provide a beyond rugged and cleanable alternative designed for the harshest of washdown environments. It includes a coaxial polarized retro reflective option for clear object detection and excellent back ground suppression models. The QMH26 model is hygienically designed, featuring smooth stainless surfaces and a self draining housing shape.
• Bottling machines
• Pasteurizers
• Vial filling
• Large animal meat processing
• Prepared meat packaging
• Dairy and yogurt filling equipment