Mykal's Desolvit Degreaser for Marine Applications
Mykal has announced the renewal of certificates for its Desolvit high-performance degreaser (DSI 1000) as a surface cleaner oil dispersant by Scottish Marine and the Marine Management Organisation. High-performance degreaser (DSI 1000) is certified for the removal of oil that comes ashore from spills and must be cleaned from rocky shorelines.
It can also be used for the cleaning of boats, quaysides, equipment and clothing. High-performance degreaser (DSI 1000) has history of use for the clean-up of major oil spills on shorelines, including the Exxon Valdez in Alaska, the Sea Empress in Milford Haven, the shoreline of the Faro Islands and dry docks in Turkey.
High-performance degreaser (DSI 1000) is a citrus-based, non-flammable solvent cleaner for the removal of oils and greases from components, tools and equipment in manufacturing, engineering, maintenance, and assembly operations. It also carries approvals for use in critical degreasing applications within the defence, aerospace and automotive industries.
It can also be used for the cleaning of boats, quaysides, equipment and clothing. High-performance degreaser (DSI 1000) has history of use for the clean-up of major oil spills on shorelines, including the Exxon Valdez in Alaska, the Sea Empress in Milford Haven, the shoreline of the Faro Islands and dry docks in Turkey.
High-performance degreaser (DSI 1000) is a citrus-based, non-flammable solvent cleaner for the removal of oils and greases from components, tools and equipment in manufacturing, engineering, maintenance, and assembly operations. It also carries approvals for use in critical degreasing applications within the defence, aerospace and automotive industries.