Filtration Equipment Eliminates Manganese In Water
Severn Trent Services - Aplicor has designed and supplied filtration and disinfection equipment for the Cadalso de los Vidrios drinking water treatment station, owned by Canal de Isabel II. The upgraded facility, which came into operation in August, serves the needs of 3,000 inhabitants in the Community of Madrid. Severn Trent Services - Aplicor's treatment approach was two-fold and included the installation of pressure filters to effectively eliminate manganese and other solid particles from the community's water.
In addition to the pressure filters, Severn Trent Services - Aplicor also installed sodium-hypochlorite dosing systems to disinfect the drinking water. Rick Bacon, general manager of Severn Trent Services - Aplicor, said: 'Manganese is an element commonly found in ground water, often in combination with iron. 'While not dangerous to public health, the presence of manganese can damage clothing during washing, which is why Canal de Isabel II has decided to invest in new filters to eliminate the contaminant.
In addition to the pressure filters, Severn Trent Services - Aplicor also installed sodium-hypochlorite dosing systems to disinfect the drinking water. Rick Bacon, general manager of Severn Trent Services - Aplicor, said: 'Manganese is an element commonly found in ground water, often in combination with iron. 'While not dangerous to public health, the presence of manganese can damage clothing during washing, which is why Canal de Isabel II has decided to invest in new filters to eliminate the contaminant.