Vacon enhances Vacon NXP for premium performance

The global AC drive manufacturer Vacon announces the renewal of its entire Vacon NXP premium product range. The update involves improvements to both the air-cooled and liquid-cooled units in the complete power range from 0.55 kW to 5,300 kW. The Vacon NXP will maintain its strong position in Vacon's product portfolio and in the highly competitive AC drives market.
"The Vacon NXP is a high-performance product range, and with this update we have further improved its performance, robustness and reliability," reports Heikki Hiltunen, Executive Vice President. "As a dedicated AC drives company, we are committed to pioneering trends in product design and provide innovative solutions for demanding industry applications and high power ranges."
"At the end of 2011, we introduced a new compact AC drive product family for OEM customers. With this new Vacon NXP update we are refreshing one of our most popular AC drives range in the premium range. We have done our homework and are focused on providing customers with the drive solutions they are asking for," Hiltunen continues.
One of the most significant improvements concerns the control circuit boards, which have been significantly redesigned and conformally coated. Certain critical components have been replaced in order to increase their temperature sustainability. However, the range of functionality and compatibility of the circuit boards remain unchanged.
Varnished cards and option boards, which are provided as standard in the power modules above 72 A, improve protection against dust and moisture. Performance and durability have also been enhanced via improved cooling channels for optimal cooling and experience-based optimization of protection limits. In the air-cooled Vacon NXP, new fans improve the reliability of the drive, thus ensuring a longer lifetime. Thanks to the new cooling concept, fan efficiency has been improved by more than 50%.
In the liquid-cooled high-power modules, new options, such as an integrated brake chopper, have been implemented to minimize cabinet size and cost.
"The processor in the control card has also been changed, boosting calculation power by 15%. This benefits especially OEM customers who make their own software for applications," says Kurt Hofman, Product Marketing Director, Liquid Cooled Drives.
The Enhanced Vacon NXP range has been tested extensively, and HALT* (Highly Accelerated Life Test) tests have been carried out to assure excellent product performance.